The Holy Rosary Home School Support Group presents:
Living the Liturgical Year in the Home
by Leila Marie Lawler
Please join us for this once in a lifetime talk given by one of the most important and respected voices in the Catholic educational world today. Enjoy delicious fare served with wines by David & Angelica O'Reilly.
Leila Marie Lawler encountered Christianity as a high school student and entered the Catholic Church in 1979, the year she was married to Philip F. Lawler, noted Catholic author and editor of Catholic World News. Leila practices "kitchen sink philosophy" at Like Mother, Like Daughter, a website for practical and theoretical insight into all aspects of daily life. She is the co-author with David Clayton of The Little Oratory: A Beginner's Guide to Praying in the Home, and the author of God Has No Grandchildren: A guided reading of Pius XI's encyclical Casti Connubii. RSVP to Holy Rosary: 503-235-3163