The series of programs entitled, “Fathers and Sons: Growing Together” will take place in Siena Hall on Saturday, December 4. The goal of the program is to facilitate the friendship and communication between dads and sons as they learn together 1. How to build one’s relationship with God (life of prayer); 2. Grow in Wisdom (that body of knowledge and principles that enable one to live a noble life and make good decisions); and 3. Build Virtue. After the two-hour program there will be optional additional activities like visits to the needy, sports or learning a new practical skill.
For Whom: Dads and their sons (preferably of ages 9 - 18) Cost: small contribution for snacks
11:00 Directed time of prayer lead by Fr. Corwin
11:15 Confessions available for dad and sons
11:30 Lunch provided - a time to get to know one another.
12:00 Wisdom Seminar - Should Human Beings be Classified under the 'Animal Kingdom'? - Dr. Michael Kelleher, Ph.D.
12:55 Optional: Travel to Irving Park (5 mins away from HR) 707 NE Fremont St, Portland for Basketball and Soccer playtime
For questions you may call Marco Duarte at (817)-253-3872, or email at