THE FEAST OF ST. ANNE, THE MOTHER OF OUR LADY will be celebrated according to the Dominican Rite on Tuesday, July 26, at 7:00 PM. Cantores in Ecclesia will sing Claudio Monteverdi’s Missa ‘In illo tempore’ (1610) and the Gregorian Chant Proper. A wine and cheese reception will follow in Siena Hall.
According to the apocryphal Protevangelium of James, SAINT ANNE was the wife of Joachim, both of whom were desolate because of their childlessness. One day while St. Anne was praying, an angel appeared to her and told her she would have a child, and St. Anne promised to dedicate the child to God. The child was Mary, mother of Jesus. The devotion to St. Anne is founded on the bond which unites her to Mary and to the Incarnate Word. Its ancient liturgy dates from the sixth century in the East and the eighth century in the West. It was authorized by Urban IV in 1378. In 1584 Gregory fixed July 26 as the date of the feast, and Leo extended it to the whole Church in 1879.